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Restylane Dermal Filler

One of the first things you notice as you age is the loss of your facial volume. A quick examination or your cheeks, folds, lips and jaw line can be quite revealing. Fortunately, Dr. Hester has developed methods to replace the youthful contours time and gravity have altered. Using advanced injection techniques, Dr. Hester takes volume enhancement with dermal fillers to the level of artistry. He expertly applies cosmetic fillers to smooth out and plump facial areas that have begun to wrinkle. Unlike many novice injectors, Dr. Hester is comprehensive in his process to reveal your youthful cheekbones, correct your sunken temples and eyes, and mask the sag of your jaw line. Read on to learn more about the products he likes to use.


What is Restylane? Injectable fillers are designed to fill the area underneath lines and wrinkles, to give support to the skin so that it no longer creases. Restylane is one of the most exciting and effective injectable fillers. Recently FDA-approved in America, Restylane has been used on over 1.5 million women all over the world for years. It has all of the benefits of the other injectable fillers, with a few improvements: it is hypoallergenic and lasts must longer than regular fillers.

How is Restylane used? Using a very fine needle, Restylane is carefully administered underneath the wrinkle or crease. A topical cream or anesthetic can be used in conjunction, but is not required. The results are instantly visible.


How long does a treatment take? Treatments usually take less than 30 minutes and because there is no healing or downtime, you can be back to work or your normal activities immediately afterwards.

What is Restylane made of? Restylane is a plant-derived bio-degradable non-animal stabilized hyaluronic acid (NASHA). Because it is plant-based as opposed to animal-based, Restylane is not considered a common allergen.


How long does Restylane last? Also, because of the way the hyaluronic acid interacts with your body's own moisture, treatments typically last up to nine months - that is two to three times longer than a typical collagen injection. People who use Restylane find that subsequent treatments last longer and longer, providing for lasting results with fewer appointments. This saves them time and money, not to mention providing great, long-lasting results.

Are there risks involved? There are very few risks or complications associated with Restylane. Some people experience some swelling or redness at the injection sites, but this is temporary and wears off within a day or two.

What other treatments can be paired with Restylane? Restylane is the perfect compliment to other treatments as well. Restylane easily integrates with other procedures, has little chance of risk or complications, lasts two to three times longer than collagen injections and takes less than 30 minutes to administer. With so many benefits and great features, it makes sense to find out if Restylane is right for you.


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